If you find yourself experiencing issues on your feet, including the ankle part and other parts of the leg, then it may be time to see a podiatrist.
A podiatrist is a medical professional that specializes in these areas. In short, they’re foot doctors, so they would know whether something is wrong with you or not.
Nowadays, if you don’t have an assigned foot doctor yet, you can always check out online any podiatrists near you. Aside from that, you can see their credentials and any reviews that people have left them. For example, you can see New Zealand podiatrist, Stefan Edwards’ reviews online and how you can contact him.
Since the convenience of setting up an appointment with trusted podiatrists is easier now more than ever, you should then figure out whether you need their help in the first place.
Here are several signs to look for that will help you figure out whether it’s time to get professional help:
1. Numbness, pain, or swelling
One thing to look out for when figuring out whether to get the help of a podiatrist is whether or not you’re experiencing any pain, numbness, or swelling around your foot area. There can be several reasons why this is happening to you and more often than not, it happens right after experiencing a physical injury.
If you have diabetes, then this can also be reason for numbness and other symptoms occurring on your foot area. Should you have this medical history, then it’s best that you get in touch with a podiatrist as soon as possible.
For any recurring pain or swelling immediately after a physical trauma of sorts, a podiatrist should also be your first call.
2. Nail fungus
Another reason you might want to go to a podiatrist is that you’re dealing with a nail fungal infection.
If your toenails are having spots show up underneath the toenail tips, then you might have the beginning signs of nail fungus. If you’ve done some home treatments and it hasn’t been working out for you, then your next step should be to see a podiatrist that can help you.
Some people get embarrassed about having to deal with nail fungus, but podiatrists are medical professionals and it’s best that you get your issue dealt with before the fungal infection goes deeper.
3. Continuous heel pain
If you’ve been experiencing a continuous pain on your heel, then you should check in with a podiatrist to see what is going on. That way, your podiatrist of choice can rule out sprains or fractures from the get-go.
The most common cause of continuous heel pain is something called the Plantar Fasciitis. This happens when you’ve been putting on too much pressure on your feet, which might end up damaging a ligament. That can lead to a feeling of stiffness and pain.
With any recurring or continuous pain, it’s best that you get in touch with a podiatrist to figure out what is going on.
4. Sprained ankle
Speaking of common injuries, one such common injury that you might have dealt with before or are dealing with now is a sprained ankle.
You might be familiar with how you get a sprained ankle by now. It happens when you land and twist your ankle in a way it wasn’t meant to be twisted, causing you to sprain it.
If you aren’t able to care for your sprained ankle at home, then it’s best that you get a few tests run through so that you’re sure of the damage that you’re dealing with.
5. Reoccuring athlete’s foot
One other common foot infection that you need a podiatrist’s help with would be a recurring athlete’s foot.
Athlete’s foot is another fungal infection that usually occurs between the toes. It happens when a lot of sweat accumulates on the feet while one is wearing tight shoes. This is the reason why it’s named so.
If your athlete’s foot isn’t cured after two weeks of treatment at home, then consult a podiatrist about it. Moreso if you are diabetic.
6. You have diabetes
The unfortunate side effect of being diabetic is that it makes you more susceptible to amputations, foot ulcers, and other issues around your feet area. Thus, having an on-call podiatrist is important so that you are able to take care of your feet everyday.
Get regular checkups done with your trusted podiatrist so you are on top of your feet’s well-being.
7. An ingrown toenail
Although it can seem a minor issue, an ingrown toenail can end up with more complications and it might be better if you consult with a podiatrist first. The big toe is the likeliest one to experience an ingrown toenail.
Your feet have the tough job of having to carry around your whole body, and yet it doesn’t receive the same tender loving care that other parts of the body do.
If you start experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, remember to consult with a trusted podiatrist as soon as possible.