9 Marketing Strategies to Make Your Salon Business Grow

Marketing has huge contributions to the growth of a business. Aside from that, it is an excellent way of maintaining your authority or your current brand image in the market. With an excellent marketing strategy, any business can have the potential to grow further.

If you have a salon business and you might think that you need a little boost in business, then consider beefing up your marketing campaigns. You might not think that you need to market your salon, but it can make all the difference in a budding business.

Luckily for you, below are some simple marketing strategies that you should work on for your salon business to ensure that it continues to grow in the future. You don’t have to do everything, but you can discern which ones you need to work on the most for your business.

1. Brand awareness

Your marketing strategy should first focus on improving brand awareness for your salon.

Brand awareness is the level of familiarity that your preferred consumers have over images or qualities of your brand. It can influence a customer’s purchasing decisions.

Right when they’re deciding between two brands, more often than not, they will choose the brand that they are most familiar with when they’re on the check-out. Thus, it is important that you invest in your brand awareness.

Due to the fact that you’re a salon, it makes sense that image is important to you. Clients are leaving themselves under your care, after all, so they want something familiar to them.

Build your brand awareness and you’ll surely have more business.

2. Promotions and discounts

If you feel like you’re getting a lull in business for the past few days, then consider starting promotions or discounts to attract both previous clients and newer, potential clients.

You can create sales days during key moments of the year, especially ones related to a salon. Common holidays should have discounts and you are sure to get a surge in traffic in your salon.

Make sure that you promote your sales and discounts online as well. That way, your clients can schedule their appointments early in line with the sale.

Don’t forget to offer discounts on your salon products as well. If you have services or products that are falling behind, then sales and discounts are an excellent way of generating interest in said products and services.

3. Loyalty and Referral Programs

Speaking of giving promotions and discounts, you should think about fostering a strong relationship with current clients by setting up a loyalty or referral program.

A loyalty program is a system that rewards customers who keep coming back and transacting with your business. On the other hand, a referral program is a system that rewards clients who refer your business to other new clients.

Each program doesn’t have to be too complex. You need only consider what could entice your customer to stay loyal to your brand and refer a new client to you.

You can try an additional service for free. A ten percent discount on their next salon service. You can even consider adding on freebies. Either way, you are communicating an appreciation for your clients which will foster a long-standing relationship between your business and your clients.

4. Excellent customer service

Marketing your brand doesn’t always mean that you are espousing everything good about your business to them. Instead, doing good work is one of the best ways that you can market your brand to your clients and target market.

With that said, it is vital to your business that you invest in customer service given the hands-on business that you have as a salon. Taking the time to train your staff on customer service is sure to pay off for your business in the long run.

Associate your salon business with excellent customer service and you’ll find that your salon will receive word-of-mouth marketing like no other.

5. Blogging

Another marketing strategy that you can try to help grow your salon is through content marketing by keeping an excellent blog.

One may think that long content like blog is dying out, but they’re stronger than ever. In fact, search engines will prioritize websites that have great content because it means that these are the sites that offer the most relevant results for their users.

This is the reason you should consider digital content marketing for your business.

Aside from that, blogs are an excellent way of establishing authority in your industry. As long as you keep your content relevant and appropriate to your audience, then your blogging will be a great contribution to your brand success.

6. SMS and Email Marketing

An untapped marketing technique that more salons should use is SMS and email marketing. Although you might think that in the age of the Internet, SMS and emails are outdated forms of communication, they still prove to be quite profitable avenues.

However, a lot of people can find it tedious to craft texts after texts and emails upon emails to a number of customers. Templates are a good option but it may lack that personal touch. Thus, you can try a salon software that can automate SMS and Email marketing.

With the right template to quicken up the process and software to help maintain a touch of personalization, SMS and email marketing can be a viable form of communication with your clients.

7. Social Media Marketing

One of the most powerful tools on the Internet to date are social media platforms. This is an excellent way of communicating with a number of people from all over. The added features of each social media platform make each conversation unique.

With that said, a lot of clients may start social media business accounts but they may not be able to wring as many results out of it as they can. This may be due to a lot of things, from inconsistent brand personality to aimless posts.

Creating a social media marketing plan that takes into account the platform format and the messaging that you want to send is crucial to making your social media account make any sort of sense to you and your audience.

8.  Events and Networking

Do not underestimate the power of having a working relationship with the right people at the right time. It can save your business during times of crisis or give you benefits as you operate your salon.

Thus, it is ideal that you attend any networking or other events related to salons and the services that you provide. Not only will it be a means to network with others, but it is also an avenue to learn about the latest news in your industry.

If there aren’t any salon-related events in your area, then why not hold one yourself? It’s an excellent way of connecting with people and it makes you appear more authoritative and professional in the industry.

9. Online Directory Listing

Last but not least, a simple act can help you beef up your marketing strategy. This simple act is listing your business on online directories.

Online directories can help make it easier for potential clients to find your business location, contact information, and many more business details.

Look up for the best web directories that you can find and register your business on it to gain more visibility on the Internet. Yelp is a good place to start, as well as Google My Business.

Make sure you complete as much information as possible, like the services you provide and whatnot.

Convenience is key to making potential customers knock on your doors, both physical and virtual. Take every opportunity you can get, especially when they’re free.

With the nine marketing strategies mentioned above, you should have a bigger arsenal of ideas to work with when it comes to boosting your marketing tactics. Not only will you be better at marketing your business, but you are sure to find that your salon is growing more than ever.