Languages and Search Intent Factors in Personalized Search Results

There are different factors why search results for each potential visitor can be highly biased. In your SEO strategy, you should consider various personalization optimization.


Languages go hand in hand with global SEO. Language defines a country, nationality or ethnic group. If your target audiences speak specific languages, you need to make sure that they will have smooth experience. When engaging with global users, you need to do it right. First of all, make sure that you choose a website design that matches with your global audience. A common method is to have a single website with multiple language options. This is useful for a country that has multiple different languages that are actively spoken. For better SEO results, it is a good idea to assign dedicated sub-domain for each language. It is very obvious that if a user searches using his/her native language, only websites with corresponding languages will be displayed. Although English is an universal language, but a big proportion of Internet users actively search using non-English keywords. One effective way is to determine most promising languages that may attract the most traffic. For each language, you should determine the most popular keywords that are related to your main topics or industry.

Search Intent

Search engine algorithms are painstakingly designed to best understand your queries and deliver the most accurate results. Today, Google is still the best among others in solving users’ search intents. So, how search intents are connected with search personalisation? When seeking to provide the most accurate and best matching results, Google are using all available resources. This includes any personal data associated with a user. As an example, if users are looking for car rentals, Google will automatically search nearest rental services where users are located in. However, you may add a location keyword instead, such as “car rentals Madrid”, so you will be shown popular rentals, regardless of your current locations. Android smartphones allow users to search using the voice assistant feature. In this situation, you should optimize your questions with relevant long tail keywords. If you want your webpages to respond better to long tail searches, you should make sure to have comprehensive linking between relevant content. Structured data should work well for marking up your content. This way, you can let search engines to understand more about the type and main purpose of your content.

When focusing on languages and search intent factors, you should also integrate them with other factors. As an example, you should implement both factors in social media. Your social media accounts shouldn’t only contain English, but also other major languages that can help to attract traffic to your website. Make sure that your content in social media will appeal any individual person. If your content is appealing enough, it may even appear in search results. A good trick is to only provide a portion of the essential information and put the majority in your website, so people will be eager to visit your website as well.

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