5 signs you are working with a Micromanager

Micromanagement in every sense of the word is a true time killer. At some point in everyone’s careers, individuals have come across micromanagers. While Micromanagers may be extremely unhealthy for the employees, from a management perspective they aren’t stellar either. This particular leadership style does not build confident, self-reliant employees. In fact, most employees do not last long under this style of leadership.

There is always a very fine line between a boss trying to hold your hand through the task, pointing you to a direction and a manager trying to tell you exactly what to do. Here’s are 5  signs you are working with a Micromanager

  1. Has a hard time prioritizing

Most micromanagers like to put their attention into every tiny task there is. Thus prioritizing every task at hand. This behavior creates an environment that confuses employees. If a manager cannot delegate the task properly, employees cannot focus on their job effectively. The resultant outcome is a complete haphazard style of work completion. Employees can circumvent this situation by working on time management time grids based on task importance.

  1. Lack of trust

This is a key common denominator that every micromanager has within them. They like to micromanage every task due to the lack of trust in their employee’s credibility. While in some cases that could be valid however in 90% of the situations managers need to trust their employees. The task of a manager is to hire employees who are good at what they do, and once hired managers need to step back and allow the employees to use their discretion on how to perform a particular job. Not only does lack of trust create an unhealthy employee-boss relationship, but in most cases also lowers the self-esteem of the employees.

  1. Demands an in detail account of time and work

Micro-managers are usually opinionated. If they believe ‘X’ task will take 2 hours, they expect their employees to finish it in 2 hours. This may not always be the right way of judging an important task. In an ideal case, they must give the employee a free hand and a practical deadline. How they do it, how they manage the time shouldn’t be a managers concern. The manager ought to have more important things to do than perform time accounting for each of their employees.

  1. The need to be part of every email/ meeting

CCing your bosses to keep them in the loop of everything happen is one thing, taking your boss to every meeting is quite another. If the manager starts becoming a part of every small meeting, then they lose the power of their position. Employees may also start to lose their reasoning and decision-making abilities. They become used to someone making all the decisions for them. This is a huge red flag as it depicts the sheer lack of faith in the team.

  1. ‘I am never wrong’ attitude

This is another tell-tale sign of a micromanager. No matter how the situation turns out, they have a hard time accepting it may be their fault. They have no faith in the employee’s thought process of arriving at a decision, therefore they force their opinions on the employee. Micromanagers have complete faith that they have made the right decision.

If you observe yourself following any of the above, its time introspect. Stay away from micromanagement it kills the work spirit and team bonding of an organization, eventually leading to high attrition rates.

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