Six Common SEO Mistakes That Affect Corporate Websites

Corporate websites are not immune to mistakes and some of them can be quite costly to you. Here are some of the mistakes that you may do:

  1. You focus only on brand keywords: It is important that you rank high for your brand terms, including their misspellings. You will rank well if your brand name is unique and you will gain traffic if awareness for your brand is high. However, it’s also important to rank well for your generic keywords. Many times, people simply don’t know about your brand and it doesn’t mean much even if you rank at the top position for your brand keywords.
  2. You focus only on specific variables: Your website rank is determined by a specific algorithm. Chasing the magic formula may be a fruitless effort, because variables are changing and what’s matter know, may not be so useful next year. What’s unthinkable last year, could be critical today. As an example, mobile-friendly layout has become an important factor to determine rank for mobile search using smartphones.
  3. Your content quality is declining: Content can be text, image, videos, interactive elements or software. You have quality content if it needs all the expectations of readers and if possible, beyond. Interesting content can go viral, which generate millions of views, ad clicks and shares. If content in your website is impressive, people will stay longer in your website. They may also do favourable things, such as making transactions or clicking on your ads. When you first establish your website, you could be eager to publish high quality content, but after one year or more, the motivation may start to dissipate and you begin to neglect the quality of your content. In the competitive and evolving online landscape, this can be a costly mistake.
  4. You neglect indexing performance: One reason why search engine can’t crawl your website is that there’s an indexing issue. Search engine bots are in the continuous process of discovering new content and it is only possible if your website can be indexed. Make sure that your website is easy to crawl, so each new webpage can be indexed properly. Any change in permalink, as well addition or removal of webpages could cause indexing problems.
  5. You only do it once: SEO isn’t a one-time action. It’s a process that needs discipline and commitment. In fact, you should see SEO as a constant test. There’s no perfect formula and it’s often about grinding. You create quality content and try to get genuine quality inbound links from the audience. Everything you do may appear as routine, but in the end, it should be aimed to push you higher in search ranking for various keywords and long tail keywords. You won’t get any meaningful result, if you spend six months for comprehensive SEO campaign, but then nearly abandons for one year.
  6. You don’t commit enough time: SEO requires long term commitment and everyone needs to spend enough time for the SEO campaign. They may include copywriters, web developers and web designers.
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